The Personalized Arthroplasty Society is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, educational, and literary purposes. The Society will encourage the study of, promote research in, improve the practice of, elevate the standards of, and otherwise advance personalized arthroplasty.
It would be our pleasure to work with you to continue the growth and success of your organization, as well as PAS and the entire personalized arthroplasty community!
Have questions or would like to find out about sponsorship opportunities?
Contact Jaime Nolan, Membership & Sponsorship Manager, at [email protected].

Jaime Nolan
Personalized Arthroplasty Society
Membership & Sponsorship Manager
[email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Purpose of the Personalized Arthroplasty Society “PAS”?
The purpose of PAS is to bring together a community of innovators who wish to personalize the arthroplasty patient journey. PAS began by promoting the adoption of personalized total knee replacement alignment strategies through education, research and fellowship. We have now expanded our vision to include the personalization of the entire patient experience. This is not a one size fits many solution, but rather an organization devoted to understanding that the solution will vary across gender, race, culture and location.
How has PAS's Membership Grown?
After launching officially as a USA based not-for-profit in April of 2022, PAS has grown organically to include 300+ members in 25 countries and has 2,800+ members on LinkedIn with roughly 30 new additions added each week.
Our inaugural meeting was virtual, attended online by 400+ people, and included a veritable who’s who of arthroplasty worldwide. Our first in-person meeting welcomed over 200 attendees and are expecting over 300 attendees at the 2025 annual meeting.
Who attends PAS Meetings and Webinars?
Our attendees include surgeons, surgeons in training, engineers, industry leaders, and even patients. The surgeons are mostly high volume innovative orthopedic surgeons who are not necessarily in academia. We have great interest from younger surgeons to whom PAS makes logical sense. We have only a few members from the Hip Society or the Knee Society although many of those folks will speak at our events. The most senior members of our teams are Europeans and the US is about 30% of our membership. We are very actively recruiting engineers and non-surgeon members.
Who attends PAS Meetings and Webinars?
What are the details of the Annual Meeting being held in September 2025?
The 2025 annual meeting will be our third in-person meeting. Given the interest to date, we expect to have good attendance in Rome, Italy, which will be held during the Jubilee celebration.
We expect 250-300 attendees, 80% surgeons, 75% for Europe, and we are looking to create an intimate experience in a smaller hotel to engender a sense of belonging. We are very confident that this meeting will sell out quickly due to location and the planned Jubilee celebration.
What are the Expected Outcomes of the Meeting?
PAS will solidify its reputation as the most interesting and exciting society in orthopedics. Our members and speakers will be galvanized to go out and do the research necessary to prove the value of personalization. We hope to see many subgroups start to create via research and publication. We hope to generate the capitalization necessary to expand our reach and build out the vision for a completely new and modern society which is inclusive, international, and decentralized. We want to put in place a tech stack that will eventually support a web 3.0 interface as well as many diverse communities under one umbrella all with access to the tools they need to move the ball forward one community at a time. Think along the lines of Discord.com and a Slack.com Backbone. As for the meeting, it will be a relatively short meeting. What people are looking for is a vigorous debate about the various strategies in alignment and the ability to shake hands with their contemporaries be they surgeons, researchers, etc. In addition to total knee replacement, we also expect debate about personalization of the total hip and uni knee. We also have one team working exclusively on creating standard definitions for various alignment options which will be voted on by the membership and then published. These will be then used in all publications from any of the PAS members. As we have pretty much everyone writing about Personalization, we expect that our definitions will stand. And if we can fund it, we want to have a great party at least one night!
How Successful was PAS's 2024 Annual Meeting?
Everyone including our sponsors, we’re very pleased by the quality of the event and its production and welcomed over 150 attendees.
We continue to develop our vision for the third in-person meeting and look forward to hearing from our past, present, and future sponsors. Interestingly, most are not particularly interested in large exhibit spaces for items such as robots, navigation, and stands, but rather prefer the opportunity to support the conversation. This is convincing us for a small hotel strategy and an intimate event.
As always, PAS is open to your thoughts and opinion.